Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Breakfast Sandwich Beauty

Dear Kim,

Let's be honest; we both know that the UK has better food than people will admit to. Yes, there are some places where the culinary delights are a little unique, but hey, even America has tried to pass off some questionable food in the past (I don't have to list specific things, but I think we both know that the Mcdonald's meat isn't ACTUALLY real meat).

But something that surprised me here was how delicious some of the breakfast could be. Breakfast has never really been my favorite meal of the day. If it were up to me, I'd be having lunch for every meal, but something about the options in this country have really converted me into a morning-munchies lover. And quite frankly, I think it has something to do with this restaurant called "Loaf".

Situated about a 5 minute walk from my apartment, Loaf is a tiny eating establishment that offers the most unbelievable list of pressed sandwiches, salads, and juices. Their cappuccino's are to die for as well, but I try to steer away from those ;) While I've had their chicken pesto panini's and melted tuna sandwiches, it's their breakfast sandwich that I like to pick up twice a week before class.

The breakfast sandwich contains the following: mashed avocado, salt, pepper, lemon, tomato, and smoked salmon all perfectly placed on toasted brown bread. I'm telling you, it's the absolute most incredible way to start my day. I usually remove the top piece of bread so I can enjoy what's hiding underneath and save a few calories, but it tastes all the same either way.

HOW GOOD DOES THAT LOOK?! I'm definitely gonna snag as many of these in as possible before I head out of the country! And could you blame me? 

Hope Arizona is enjoying you as much as it can before you come see me in a few weeks!

I love you, 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Green Chicken Curry

Dear Kim,

I cannot believe I haven't discussed my green chicken curry obsession with you yet. I remember first having it when we went to Vietnam, but it didn't truly hit me how much I loved it until I was here in England.

My friend Quincie and I first stumbled across an ADORABLE little pub called "Churchill Arms" when we arrived in England 2 months ago. We stopped outside of it because it was covered in flowers and essentially looked like the cutest place I've ever seen in my life (besides the bedroom we shared until age 8).
Look how flowery it is!! 

I was unprepared for what happened next.

I ordered the chicken curry not expecting it to be as life-changing as it was. The perfect blend of spicy, sweet, and delicious, this curry has now become one of my favorite parts of London. The chicken is always juicy, the vegetables are always perfectly cooked, and the soup they're both happily swimming in is so tasty I literally want to bathe in it. Here, take a peek:

Oh wow. Just seeing that picture makes me want it right now. Ever since going that first time, we have made it a tradition to go (at least) once a week. Amber has been lucky enough to join us more than once ;) Churchill Arms and its glorious green chicken curry are more than just a meal, they are a lifestyle choice and the most unbelievable experience. I wish you were here to have it with me!!!

I love you!

Detox Salad

Dear Kim,

There are a lot of things I love about London; I love the people, the atmosphere, the nightlife…but one of my absolute favorite things is how it continues to impress me with its culinary excellence. It’s an adventure every day to search around and find what I want for my next meal, and you had better believe I’m absolutely never disappointed.

Although I love trying new food (and indulging in anything chocolate-y, cheesy, and/or fried), I know that sometimes my body gets out of wack when I surprise it with something too calorie-infused. That’s why, and I am proud of admit it, I just need a salad sometimes. But it cannot be just any old salad, for goodness sakes I’m in England! A tiny plate of lettuce, cucumber, and celery simply will not cut it. Enter my new favorite dish: The Detox Salad.

After a nice, long evening of enjoying London’s finest dancing establishments, I woke up the next morning around 12. Okay, so that’s more like afternoon, but that’s still the time of day where any food applies. Since I’m more of a lunch fiend than breakfast, I decided to head straight into a salad. This salad was the salad to end all salads. It contained tomato, carrots, quinoa, cabbage, chicken, avocado, and the list goes on. In other words, it was straight perfection.

I have friends who are content with just tossing together a salad from Ernie Davis dining hall at Syracuse that has two pieces of Romaine and a handful of shredded cheese. I am telling you now, I will never be satisfied with another mediocre salad again; I am a changed woman.

I love and miss you, I'm counting the days until we're back together!


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I'm Back!

Dear Kim,

I don't know where to start. How could we let our blog--aka our lovechild--be neglected like this? I'll tell you the truth, I stopped writing before you did (a mix of laziness and enjoying the city) but I make you this promise, it's coming back to life NOW!

I've been enjoying abroad too much to even put into words; I know you came here, and it's so special that we're able to share a mutual love for this city since I know that NYC wouldn't be your first choice of travel destination. London is truly beautiful, magical, fun, exciting, and all around perfect. I love the accents, the people, my flat, and believe it or not, the food. Maybe a little TOO much sometimes ;)  I can't wait to come back here one day with you (hopefully sometime soon!!)

You sound like you're having a great time in Arizona; from a new boyfriend to a soon-to-be graduation, you're doing things that I couldn't dream about. To put it in perspective, when you sent me an adorable picture of your boyfriend with the caption '#mancrushmonday', I sent you a picture of a muffin back with the caption '#muffincrushmonday'...I do love me a good muffin.

So let's bring this puppy back, I love having something that we share together, and I always love knowing what you're up to.

Love you to infinity,

PS- Enjoy this fine picture of strawberries from a market in Barcelona...omnomnom