Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I'm Back!

Dear Kim,

I don't know where to start. How could we let our blog--aka our lovechild--be neglected like this? I'll tell you the truth, I stopped writing before you did (a mix of laziness and enjoying the city) but I make you this promise, it's coming back to life NOW!

I've been enjoying abroad too much to even put into words; I know you came here, and it's so special that we're able to share a mutual love for this city since I know that NYC wouldn't be your first choice of travel destination. London is truly beautiful, magical, fun, exciting, and all around perfect. I love the accents, the people, my flat, and believe it or not, the food. Maybe a little TOO much sometimes ;)  I can't wait to come back here one day with you (hopefully sometime soon!!)

You sound like you're having a great time in Arizona; from a new boyfriend to a soon-to-be graduation, you're doing things that I couldn't dream about. To put it in perspective, when you sent me an adorable picture of your boyfriend with the caption '#mancrushmonday', I sent you a picture of a muffin back with the caption '#muffincrushmonday'...I do love me a good muffin.

So let's bring this puppy back, I love having something that we share together, and I always love knowing what you're up to.

Love you to infinity,

PS- Enjoy this fine picture of strawberries from a market in Barcelona...omnomnom

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