Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Breakfast Recovery

Dear Kim,

Rush has just about zapped all of the energy from my system. For two days straight I was a nonstop bouncing bean, and all of that exertion has finally taken its toll on me. I am exhausted, sickly, and quite frankly, weak. That's why I decided to really bulk up on my breakfast goodness to make sure I was strong enough to carry through a full day of classes and work!

Naturally I had to have my liquids, which involved one cup of Airborne (the pink cup) and another of orange juice. Normally I don't believe in the power of juice, but I figured that I'd take all the help I could get since my nose literally won't stop running. Not pictured are my Mucinex tablets, Vitamin D, Fish Oil Pills, and a single Advil to stop my morning headache. I was a regular 'ol pharmacy. 

I also toasted an english muffin and mashed up crunchy almond butter with hemp seeds and chia seeds. The texture of the almond butter with the additional seeds is really delightful and makes for a crunchier spread! And what's breakfast without a little power fruit? I sliced up half a banana and tossed the other half to Amber.

Fingers crossed I start feeling better soon, I don't know how much longer I can breathe out of just my mouth in this 5 degree wintery weather...

Love you!

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