Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hearty Breakfast and Hike

Hello my beautiful Lara,

For too long I've been depriving you of decent food pictures, but no more! I've been a busy gal lately, what with the new semester starting and impending grad school interviews approaching fast (keep your fingers crossed). In the meantime, I've tried to keep active and busy, maintaining both good physical and mental health. Think candles and Native American Flute Music to calm the nerves...

This morning was off to a late start (around noon to be exact) so I decided to fix myself up a hearty meal that would satisfy both the lunch and breakfast checklist--high in protein and taste. I decided to first warm up a low carb wrap (70 calories, flaxseed, and a great chewy texture) on the stove, and then fill it with deli chicken and pieces of provolone cheese that would enhance both calcium and flavor.
I was actually drooling, and so proud of myself for thinking of this WITHOUT Pinterest

Next came my very first attempt at a sunny side up egg (note egg from the picture above)! As you'll see from the picture, it was a wild success. Lastly, and my favorite staple to any breakfast, came several spoonfuls of cottage cheese. Some people hate on cottage cheese for it's slightly lumpy texture. I, on the other hand, applaud cottage cheese for being able to successfully pack so much protein and taste into such a small serving size.

Added some garlic powder and black pepper to the egg and grabbed an orange for a sweet kick at the end of my meal
Ryan and I have an avid love for all things outdoors, so after breakfast we headed to Sabino Canyon for some hiking and adventure. Adventure indeed! We veered off the usual walking path and ended up discovering some amazing hiking trails that I'll definitely have to take you back to see. I didn't even know Tucson had grass but we found it today on that hike.
The new trail I need to take you on

Oh yes, we were "that couple" on the trail. Selfies for days.
To end a magnificent day, I posted up on the couch with my laptop and indulged in some dairy-free coconut milk ice cream called "SO Delicious". They sell these at Safeway in tons of flavors, but lately I've found myself craving mint chocolate chip. Only 180 calories per 1/2 cup, so I don't feel too guilty if I happen to have a little more (what's an even 200?).
Don't worry, I'll have plenty when you come to visit
Hope you survive sorority rush in one piece, rest your voice and take lots of vitamin C! I can't wait to see you in a month :)

Love you,

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