Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Coconut Date Balls

Scandalous name, delicious flavor. A couple nights ago my best friend, Amanda, and I were bored and wanted to try a new recipe out. Amanda and I have a slight addiction to the "" website, and she shared a list of recipes with me that were only 2 (yes you read that right) ingredients. 

To be fair, we ate most of the "batter" before we actually created the round circles of delight, so I forgot to take a picture of them in my haste. You will probably do the same thing. Simple, sweet, and they literally taste like coconut cookie dough.

Amanda proudly displaying the batter

Coconut Date Balls
1 bag pitted dates
2 packets coconut butter
(I got both of these from Whole Foods)

1) Blend ingredients together in a food processor/blender (I used my little pink Southbeach blender, it does take time and patience)
2) Scoop out dough and pat into balls
3) Put in fridge for 2 hours to cool (if they make it that far)


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