Monday, February 25, 2013

Oatmeal Heaven

I wasn't always a huge fan of breakfast. Waking up at 6 a.m. for high school always made me feel nauseated, and so I was never in the mood to get my metabolism started early. I seriously believe that's a contributing factor to childhood obesity: breakfast is necessary.

I just learned that fact about a month ago when I started my quest for healthy. I would take the time in the morning to whip up egg whites with veggies and that I'm seriously time-crunched at school, I just stick to the oatmeal unless I have extra time on weekends. So I thought I'd give a sneak peak to as what I consumed this morning:

Ahhh oatmeal, my breakfast weakness

A friend introduced me to wheat germ about a month ago. It packs a serious vitamin E punch and adds great texture/flavor to my oatmeal. I boil about 1/2 cup of water on the stove, pour in 1/4 cup of oatmeal once it's boiling, scoop in two tablespoons of wheat germ, and while the oatmeal cooks (usually takes about 45 seconds) I quickly slice up strawberries and pineapples. I toss the blueberries in last. When I need an extra energy punch, I'll throw some bananas in also! It leaves me feeling satisfied and light! 

And obviously you already know about my tea obsession, I didn't think that part had to be featured! This morning I'm meeting up with one of the adorable new girls pledging Kappa and we're going to work out; this breakfast is perfect because I don't feel weighed down or gross. I leave myself an hour and a half to digest, and I'll be able to get my workout on with no issues!! And then, of course, I'm driving her to brunch afterwards at my favorite place...I'm looking forward to an egg-white omelete! Who said you can't have two breakfasts in one day??


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