We all have a unique body story to tell, no matter how or where you grew up. My twin sister and I were never Honey-Boo-Boo status, but looking back at pictures, we're able to make fun of each other consistently more than throw praises around: "Was I made out of Hamburger Helper???" "How could anybody let me out of the house like that?" "Kim, you look huge." Nice.
So in the 7th grade, before our bat mitzvah, we got a personal trainer. She was inspiring and kicked our asses, but we had no idea that eating 3 cookies at "break" or heading straight for the mac and cheese at lunch would completely undo all of our hard work. We knew how to workout and lift weights, but we had no idea how to fuel our bodies properly to do so.
Like most teenage girls, we battled with weight. Lara was always much more confident than I was, rocking a short skirt and leggings (as pants) whenever she felt like it. No matter how crazed about my body I became, she was always there to roll her eyes and tell me I looked fine, I should get over it.
Lara rocking her short skirt...5 years ago and I still cringe looking at this picture. Who's laughing now Lara? Probably still her because I look utterly ridiculous.
I joined the cross country team my senior year of high school, begging Lara to do it with me. She would rather get cavities drilled than run more than a mile. I've continued to run almost every day since the first day of senior year (we're now both sophomores in college), but it's getting a little old and I've been looking for ways to mix up my routine. Lara and I are finally on the same page when it comes to wanting to start over fresh and give real nutrition and fitness our full attention, so she got me the Insanity DVDs for our 20th birthday (5 days ago).
The cross country team my senior year. Look for the only person on their tippy toes... 5'1, I do it a lot.
So now we're both in college, and finally both on the same page. Except not completely: she goes to school in Syracuse, NY, and I'm in Tucson, AZ. On the other side of the country. And so began the idea for Twinspiration, a blog we created together, so that we can share recipes, workouts, and pictures from across the country. We can't wait for it to grow into the amazing blogs and websites we've found the past few months, and not only will it keep us on track, it will help us to stay close across the miles.
College day senior year. That wildcat took me 3 hours to draw.
Lara and I with our beautiful mother, Amy (over Thanksgiving in Florida. Lara's on the left, I'm on the right))
When Lara picked me up from the airport for Thanksgiving (She's on the left, I'm on the right. You'll get the hang of it)
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