Thursday, April 25, 2013

Guac Time

The other day I found myself in a rather difficult predicament. It all started when I began having intense cravings for guacamole, so--without hesitation--I headed to the nearest chipotle and ordered 2 containers of it. Naturally, the staff seemed a bit appalled when I refused both a burrito bowl or chips to go with my guac, but I paid and left without a problem.

The real problem arose when I got home: I opened my pantry to find that I was absolutely chipless. I had kind of banked on the memory that I had some leftover rice crackers lying around, but it appeared as if memory had failed me. Hungry and desperate, I looked around for anything that might substitute. Cashews? No. Noodles? Gross. Miracle noodles? Possibly, but I wasn't in the mood to wait for them to cook.

And then I found them, the perfect crunch to go with my absolutely mouthwatering guacamole: fresh bell peppers. They were perfect! Not only did they satisfy my craving without the added guilt of sodium and preservatives found in chips, but the bell peppers themselves created a whole new dimension to my snack that left it healthy yet bursting with flavor.

I had this the next day too, plenty of leftover!

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